Radiant Floors
These are under-the-floor heating systems that conduct heat at floor level. It has the advantage of generating heat from the bottom of the room, which allows the heated air to rise to the ceiling and leaving the ground area with cooler air. By keeping your feet warm through radiant floors, you will feel comfortable for a longer period of time.

System Types
The market offers a system that is powered by electrical wiring. There’s also a system based on a hydronic system of tubes, which costs less in the electrical bill but requires a heating device for the water to be boiled in.
Our team will help you in choosing the best type of radiant floor system for your house. We will analyze each situation and property and give advice on which product suits your home best.
Driveway Snow Melts
This system adds convenience and safety to your property. By installing this in your driveway, you no longer need to shovel snow or drift when the path is covered with ice. You also prevent ice from freezing and cracking your pavement. We have experience when it comes to driveway snow melts, and our team can advise you on all things related to this system so you can get the best use out of it.

Air Handlers
These are popular products because of their cost-effectivity and great humidity control. Air handlers are metal boxes with a blower, filters, sound mufflers, and valves that regulate the flow of air. These are very easy to maintain since they use less stand-by function and are not as exposed to sediment and corrosion. At MICA Energy Solutions, we install and periodical check-ups for this kind of system.
The next generation of Softline Compact Radiator Series has all the high-quality features that are expected from Toronto’s number one HVAC company. It provides a sleek appearance and durable finish.

System Models
These are available in five heights and lengths ranging from 16 inches to 120 inches.
This is the single panel and the slimmest of all panel radiators.
This has double panels for the more demanding heating applications and premium spaces.
How It Works
The driveway snow melts will clear your driveway of unwanted snow in a reasonable amount of time. Thanks to a series of electric wires, it keeps the ground warm. This kind of system comes with a utility bill attached, but the advantages speak for themselves.